Da Plane!

Sorry for the blatant Fantasy Island rip off, but I figure only the cool folks will get it... :D

How is that for pandering to my audience? Here is a before and after of an image I am working on for a symposium I am speaking at in April. It is the ISAP conference... or International Society of Aviation Photographers http://aviationphoto.org/. If you are interested in planes and photography, this is a great event. Oh, by the way is it wrong that even though I know the names are in alphabetical order, I still like that I have top billing? I have issues...

This is a plane that I took a couple of years ago and thought I could jazz it up a bit. For objects like this, there is no better tool than the pen tool to make clean selections. I know that is not a favorite tool of many, but if you want to have more control, the pen tool is definitely the way to go. Enjoy!

New sky and a little Photoshoppery and viola... vintage avaiation

New sky and a little Photoshoppery and viola... vintage avaiation

Original image taking by an airport

Original image taking by an airport

Poster for the Symposium

Poster for the Symposium