Sense of Wonder Miami Workshop

Here is a gallery of some of my shots and then some thoughts from the Workshop that we put on last week in Miami. Big thanks and hugs to my partners in crime... Steve Gustafson, Brooke Logue Gomberg, and Tonya Poitevint!

Instead of focusing on what to do, we focus on how to think. Of course we have loads of technical training, but the most important area that we talk about is about how to think, feel and be real... and how that will affect your photography and hopefully your life. We try to build a sense of community and creativity and I think I am safe to say that everyone including the instructors have been blown away by the times we have shared and the images created. 

One of Steven's favorite quotes is "The mind cannot use what it does not possess - Santayana." We try to get the students to see what they are not seeing and how that can affect their images. It is amazing what we don't notice until someone comes along and hopefully lovingly points it out. I teach folks about Photoshop and Photography all the while making random comments about my having a virus (I have a mono like virus Epstein-Barr that has been beating me up for a couple of months...) and singing 80's songs at the drop of a hat. At the end of the day, there is real fun and real learning going on, and it is a joy to be part of this group. We are already getting ready to do another one in April or May that is still TBA. But if you would like to be part of the this great madness... give me a holler and I will let you know more. We intentionally keep these groups small so the spots tend to go pretty quickly.

The Models

Brooke always has some of the most amazing models come be part of the workshop and this time was awesome. The girls were incredible and little Henry was a show stealer. One aspect that we try to teach our students is to honor the children and be ready to value the child over getting "the perfect shot." Often we get focused on making a pretty picture and we miss out on the precious life that is right in front of us. To steal a line from Peter Hurley... we need to be ten percent photographer and ninety percent therapist. Knowing how to interact with your models is so important and especially when dealing with kids. Our focus is to reach their heart and their true beauty will emerge.

Spin Shots

This is becoming a tradition at the workshops. The kids love it and we get some amazing shots. Steve Gustafson and I are a tag team... he is the spinner and I am the shooter. The kids give some of the best smiles and the slight dizziness and aching back are worth it.

I have had a lot of positive response about the spin shots so here is a little guide and then a video to help you...

There is so much more to write about, but if you have made it this far, you are probably tired of me already... I will be talking more about some of this stuff on Photography Tips N Tricks, the Grid and KelbyOne... so be on the look there and feel free to shoot me any questions.